Friday, May 29, 2009

Time to fess up

I'm really embarrassed about this. But I know I have promised to be honest about my wieght, so even though it was a terrible 2 weeks (with vacation thrown in there) I went to my WW metting. I gained 3.4 lbs. Holy cow!
I am suddenly an eating machine. I can't seem to stop myself. Have you ever heard of "Last Supper Syndrome"? You know, where you subconsciously believe that it will be the LAST TIME you ever get to indulge in your favorite foods? That is what I have been like. On vacation I had fried seafood platter (did I mention I love sea creatures breaded and fried?), salmon oscar, chips, Mexican food (Oh how I LOVE Mexican food!), and TONS of ice cream...and I paid for it at the scale. I don't know why I can't get my brain to register that I can still have my faves in moderation. So my goals for this week are to really push the water to get all that "bad" stuff out of my system, exercise 15 mins a day, and also to get some fruit/veggies at the farmer's market to snack on so I don't go on the rampage! I raise my water bottle in a toast to a better week! Here, Here!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mamarazzi's Favorite Things Swap

This was SO much fun and I would recommend getting in on it next time around - so seriously, check her blog often so you don't miss out!
My swap partner was Jessica from Pudget. She is on a weight loss journey as well...and actually I will admit reading her blog inspired me to get back on track and get back to weight watchers, for real this time! Just look at the wonderful stuff she sent me all wrapped in cheerful paper! She even tagged every item (which I failed to do...duh! Well I'll know for next time!)

So here are some of Jessica's favorite things (lots of tools for WW!!! She must have known it was just what I needed!)
Favorite Recipe: Pinto Beans and Ham
Favorite Munchie: Pirate's Booty
Facorite Dessert: Hershy Bar Haystacks - can't wait to make these!
Favorite Magazine: Weight Watchers
Favorite 1 point snack: WW Chocolate Cakes - yum!
Favorite Granola bar: Fiber One Oats and Chocolate - double yum!
Favorite peice of jewelry: The most adorable Sterling Silver Toe Ring ever!
Favorite Drink: Crystal Light Peach and Mango Green Tea - tried this today and it is very refreshing
Favorite Gum: Nutra Trim Weight Management Chewing Gum, Spearmint
Favorite Sweet Treat: Little Debbie Marshmallow Treats

So as you can see, Jessica has me well stocked for success and I can't thank her enough. But thats not all! She was awesome enough to label the points on all everything. Yep, you're right - she totally ROCKS my SOCKS!
Go visit Pudget for some more of Jessica's fabulous tips and tricks! And leave her a comment telling her how jealous you are that you weren't her partner ;)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Too busy to share!

Sorry I've been gone for a little while. I've got some fun stories to share, but need to find time to site here and get the posts done. Hopefully sometime this week. Check back for my weigh in (which I am hoping is not too big of a disaster), my swap, my trip to VA, and more! I apologize for being so flighty lately, Spring has sprung which means I am on the computer less and in the sunshine more (with sunscreen, of course!)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Weigh in

Well...this week was a bit rough. Yes, I know it was my first week and I should have been awesome. Yes, I had cake and ice cream AND a Mother's Day Buffet...BUT....
I lost .8 pounds this week. Not too bad. I know that drinking water like crazy was a huge help as well as eating more fruits and veggies. I also realized that I love sugar snap peas. They are so wonderful...and I plan to stock up on them when they go on sale!
How did you do this week?

Oh! Almost forgot. Head over to my other blog (clickity on the button to the right) and enter my giveaway for a poster print of your choice. I was thinking a print of one of my favorite beaches would be nice or the sunset in Maui from my honeymoon *sigh*

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Send positive vibes my way!

Guess what!?! I got a job interview! A real live in person job interview. I don't want to give too much away right now, but it is with a government agency and it will involve me actually doing something sort of biology related, and NOT in a lab! I was so excited when I got the call yesterday, I could hardly contain myself. I've been out of school for almost 5 months now, so it is about time. I was just filling out an application for Sephora too, since if I can't get a job in my field I would love to learn all about the skin care lines they carry...but hopefully with all of your positive vibes and prayers coming my way, I will land this job!
So please keep me in your thoughts on the morning of May 29th. I appreciate it and promise to reciprocate the thoughts/prayers/vibes back to each of you.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Oh Weekend, How You Haunt Me!

Well, I can't say I did absolutely horrible this weekend, but I was not on plan the entire time either.

In the effort of trying to look at the POSITIVE, here are the things I did that I am proud of:
1. My mom and I took a walk after my grandfather's birthday dinner. She lives on a hill so we walked to the top and then back down. Got the ol' heart pumping and felt pretty good!
2. At said BDay dinner, I tried to fill up on veggies! Broccoli and carrots occupied about 2/3 of my plate. I had the smallest stuffed pork chop they had and only a small serving of potatoes. A far cry from my "normal" portions. And I was still full (maybe a little too full, but hey, I am a work in progress!)
3. At the Mother's Day buffet, I didn't stuff myself! I left there feeling satisfied! Amazing! I did eat some dessert, but after one small taste of the chocolate cake, I ate the icing and left the rest. I ate a sugar cookie too, which totally hit the spot. I also chose iced tea for my beverage instead of Pepsi (I have an addiction to pop!) and sweetened it with Splenda.
4. Last night, while watching Family Guy, I marched or danced to all the commercials.

So there you have it. Four big successes. And today is a new day! What successes did you have this weekend?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Last night's results

So, I went. I signed up. And now I am determined to lose!
My first goal is 5% and that is 9.6 lbs from now. This will actually take me back to my 10% goal that I had when I started a few years ago. I got there before so I can totally get there again! And I can remember how good I was feeling and how I my clothes were getting too big. I can't wait!!!

My goals for this week are to eat smarter by getting in lots of fruits and veggies. These are all considered "filling foods" so they have some staying power. So I am striving for 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. Its going to be a challenge since the Surfer doesn't eat any veggies, but if I can get on the ball and prep them, it will hopefully make it easier for me to add them to my meals.

Do you have any healthy goals you would like to share? Any tips on how I can sneak more veggies into my day?

Thursday, May 7, 2009


As some of you know, I posted a couple weeks ago about wanting to get healthy. Tonight I will make this even more of a reality. I, like many other people (and bloggers) out there, have decided to join Weight Watchers. I used the online program a few years ago to lose 20 pounds and then lost an additional 20 with my mom just this past year or so. Well, I gained 10 of those back (by my scale)! And knowing what I know about WW, I know it will work if I can just "work" it.
I hope that by admitting my current weight struggle, I will be held accountable by you, my readers. Trust me, I need support here. I am married to a meat and potatoes man who loves to eat as much as I do. I have family members who are food pushers. I have a weakness for sweets and I prefer sitting on my rear to working it off in the gym. This will be a struggle at times, but I am hoping for your support and encouragement to make it through. Since all scales are a little different, I will be posting tomorrow about my current weight and my goals. My first big goal is to lose 10% of my weight, but I plan to set little goals as well.
My doctor also had a lot to do with why I need to lose some of this weight. I have acid reflux and am taking medication to help heal my shredded esophagus. By decreasing my weight, changing my lifestyle, and learning to eat better, in a few months I will *hopefully* no longer need to take this medication. I am 27. There is no excuse for having to rely on medications for something which could potentially be avoided by getting healthy.
So are any of you trying to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, exercise more, or generally being healthier? I'd love to hear any tips you might have!

Monday, May 4, 2009


And the winners are:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-05-05 00:31:13 UTC

Congrats to Sweet Mommy Dreams and DiPaola Momma! Winners have been emailed, but in case you didn't recieve the email, please get in touch with me so I can get your yummy prizes to you!


I will be posting the winners shortly, but have little time to post at the moment. Today I need to cheer up a friend, so that is my priority. However, when I return I will be choosing 2 winners for the sauce. Have a wonderful day everyone!