Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pledge to end hunger

If 5000 people pledge today by 12 pm CT, Tyson will give enough food to feed 560,000 children! How great is that!?! And all you need to do is sign you name and pledge to volunteer, give, or share. Easy peasy!
Please help Elevenmoms end hunger by signing the pledge today. You can check out skimbaco lifestyle for more information or just click below to sign the pledge.
Important! Please use the specific link designated for Elevenmoms so they are able to track their clicks:

1 comment:

  1. Did it! We send food to our local shelter and make meals for local places often.
    I came by to say Welcome to SITS! I'm with the Welcome Wagon and we are so glad you joined us. As I'm sure you already know, it's a fabulous group of ladies!
    Enjoy your day,
