As some of you know, I posted a couple weeks ago about wanting to get healthy. Tonight I will make this even more of a reality. I, like many other people (and bloggers) out there, have decided to join Weight Watchers. I used the online program a few years ago to lose 20 pounds and then lost an additional 20 with my mom just this past year or so. Well, I gained 10 of those back (by my scale)! And knowing what I know about WW, I know it will work if I can just "work" it.
I hope that by admitting my current weight struggle, I will be held accountable by you, my readers. Trust me, I need support here. I am married to a meat and potatoes man who loves to eat as much as I do. I have family members who are food pushers. I have a weakness for sweets and I prefer sitting on my rear to working it off in the gym. This will be a struggle at times, but I am hoping for your support and encouragement to make it through. Since all scales are a little different, I will be posting tomorrow about my current weight and my goals. My first big goal is to lose 10% of my weight, but I plan to set little goals as well.
My doctor also had a lot to do with why I need to lose some of this weight. I have acid reflux and am taking medication to help heal my shredded esophagus. By decreasing my weight, changing my lifestyle, and learning to eat better, in a few months I will *hopefully* no longer need to take this medication. I am 27. There is no excuse for having to rely on medications for something which could potentially be avoided by getting healthy.
So are any of you trying to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, exercise more, or generally being healthier? I'd love to hear any tips you might have!
I wish you the best of luck. I know getting healthy is not the easiest thing to do. I'm working towards the same goal - as a matter of fact I'm getting ready to launch my own page about the matter...hopefully next week sometime. keep us updated!!