Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's snowing, again!

Can you believe the crazy wintery weather we've been having? I can't remember the last time it snowed so much. Too bad it didn't do this for Christmas!
I keep looking out the window and watching the flakes fall. It is so peaceful to watch when you have nowhere you need to be. I've been enjoying watching the little birds out there too. We feed them in two different feeders. One is on this tree pictured (its a log house, cute, no?) and one hangs from our back patio. My feathered friends have eaten all of the seed again and are looking for a refill. Payday is Friday, so perhaps we will splurge on another bag for them. We enjoy watching them and they keep the cats entertained from the window.
We have several bold colored cardinals that hang out around the feeder as well as house sparrows, mourning doves, and dark eyed juncos. I love when the puff out their feathers to keep warm and look like fat little balls. I have a few sparrows hanging out in my bushed today and I will do my best to snap a pic of them so you can see how cute they are.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm in a sewing frenzy!

So last night, I finished this little cutie. It is a Wonder Wallet from Lazy Girl Designs and I am truly a lazy girl sewer. Their designs are always cute, quick, and easy. I made another one of the hand bags about 2 years ago and I have another one to do sometime soon. I am in need of a new purse for Spring. You can embellish with a button on the cover, but I made this for my SIL and I didn't know if she'd like the button. And this is terrible, she asked for one of these from me after last Christmas (yes that would be 2007) and I never made any more between then and now. So I hope she still wants one! I think I will tuck a gift card in there as well. She's sure to at least like that! :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Look what I made!

I'm doing a little dance now because I finally pulled out my sewing machine and finished my Weekender Tote. I started this bag in a class and didn't get very far. I had my "bricks" sewn together and part of the outside bag quilted. And I decided to do the most complicated programmed stitch for my quilting as well, so this took lots and lots of time. But today, I finished quilting the outside, quilted the inside, made the handles, and assembled this beauty all in one day! Yay me! I never get things done this quickly - and mind you I had to tear out one of the handles because I just didn't like the way it looked. This bag would be perfect for travel and I think it would be a cute diaper bag as well, although I don't have kiddos (yet). I might even load it up with scrapbooking/card making stuff! The possibilities are endless.
And for those who are interested, for my "bricks" I used a jellyroll called Flutterby by Moda. I love the way the colors look together! For the lining and pockets I just picked up a coordinating color and print that I thought was cute from JoAnn's (one of my favorite stores!). Now all I need to do to truly finish it is get some matte board and make a nice cover so that the bottom is sturdy. If you would like to make this bag, you can get the pattern and instruction through Quiltsillustrated. The pattern also makes a cute luggage tag and a button loop to hold the bag closed. I decided to skip both of these for now, but may go back and do the luggage tag, just in case I decide to travel!

Monday, January 26, 2009

It time for Bloggy Carnival!

That's right! Bloggy Giveaways is hosting their quarterly carnival this week. Get over there and see what you can win. There is something for everyone and its a great way to meet some fellow bloggers!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

Unfortunately I will not be participating this time, but I am hoping to have something cool to giveaway for the next carnival. Now go forth and comment to win!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Take time to PLAY!

We've had quite a bit of cold and snow here I decided to think like a kid and play for a little while. This included making a snow angel, a snow kitty, and also introducing 3 of the 4 cats to the snow.

Snow is so beautiful, especially when you don't have to go anywhere and you can just appreciate it. My favorite scenes are when the snow lays on the branches of the trees.

I've noticed that now that I don't have my thesis hanging over me I can actually enjoy life now. I don't know when I forgot how wonderful the world is, but I am sure glad I remember it again. Now get out there and play. Appreciate the world around you, while you can!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day of Hope, A Day of Change!

I know that pretty much everyone in the blogging world in mentioning the inauguration of Obama today, and yes I am following the trend.
I am not all that into politics. I tend to sway from side to side on certain topics and don't like to share my opinion too often. It is not worth losing friends over. However, this election held so much and it STILL frustrates the heck out of me that I know people who are:
1. Complaining that Obama was elected (its the end of the world - OH PUHLEEZE!)
2. Did not cast their vote, at all.
So to all of you who chose not to express your opinion at the polls
And to all of you who did vote, no matter which candidate you chose, use this day to reflect on how we can all make a little change to make the world a better place. Be nicer, smile more, take the time to say please and thank you. Little changes will make a big difference.
Here's to hope!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thankful Thursday

In order to live a more grateful life (as recommended by Oprah and her spiritual panel), Thursday will now be a time for me to blog about something(s) I am feeling thankful for.

Today I give thanks for my family. Are we perfect? Far from it. Do we always get along? Heck no! But I know that if I ever need anything my family would be there for me. They have continued to encourage me while I finished my MS and praised my efforts when I completed my thesis. My in-laws are wonderful, giving people who have accepted me as their daughter. It is wonderful having so many people who love you!

Think about something you are thankful for today. Is it your health? Your children? Your pet(s)? Your home? When you take the time to reflect you will surely find there is so much to be grateful for. Focus on the positive and have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Rachael Ray....

So everyone who knows me is aware of my obsession with Rachael Ray. I love the daytime TV show, the magazine, 30 minute meals, and $40 a day (if that is even still on?). I think she is a great role model for young people as she encourages them to get in the kitchen. Her YUM-O organization helps get kids and their families cooking together (healthily!) and gets food to people who need it. She animals and highlights organizations like the ASPCA and Bad Rap, a rescue organization specifically for pit bulls. I will admit that I do not have every book she has put out, nor do I follow her trend of bright colored pots and pans. However, I did get my first RR cookware, the nesting set of two bubble and brown dishes in the blue shade, as well as Bob, her newest cookbook (Big Orange Book). I love to try her recipes from time to time and I haven't made one yet that I didn't like. I'm not sure how I feel about the crazy branching out she's been doing, but I guess any entrepreneur would be doing the same. All the other Food Netowork stars have!
So lately, Rachael has been disappointing me and I wish I knew who/where to write about this. She has a line of dog food (Nutrish) and all proceeds go to rescue organizations. So whats the deal here, Rach? Why no cat food? Do you have something against kitties? I don't think I've seen one cat on her show and I've seen tons of dogs. Doesn't she know that cats need adopted just as badly as dogs? I'm sure she is indeed sensitive to this fact, I just wish she'd share the animal love a little bit.
The other thing that has been puzzling me lately is her smile on the magazine. I've been getting her mag for quite some time and the first issues had a wonderful REAL Rachael smile. Lately, it seems that she is smiling because the photographer told her too. She doesn't look genuinely happy and that makes me sad. I can't find a nice big pic of the covers on the web, so I will add some scans of mine later today...then you can be the judge.
So please, Rachael Ray, give us a real smile on the next issue for your cat loving fans! And a little homemade kitty treat recipe might be nice too...

Sunday, January 11, 2009


DH and I cleaned (well, our definition of cleaned) out our spare room the other day. We were given a bed from my wonderful MIL that was hers growing up so we wanted to switch it with the old one. And knowing that the old bed was Little Bear's favorite sanctuary, I covered the bed in fuzzy blankets both for her comfort and to protect the quilt underneath. I walked in today to a nice surprise: A bed full of cats! This quickly changed when our parents came over for dinner. The only two left then were the cuddle buddies Oscar and Bunnie. I find it amazing that "experts" say that cats won't socialize after they become adults. I still find Oscar and Buttercup embracing on our bed from time to time. Just more proof that animal behavior can be complex and hard to predict.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree!!!

Dear Christmas Tree,
I am so very sorry that you did not receive the same attention of Christmas trees past. We found you conveniently down the road in the lot adjacent to Arby's and you were wonderfully plump, just like we wanted. A spruce none-the-less, DH's favorite kind of tree. After all, their branches are strong and can hold lots of heavy ornaments!
We truly did love you, little tree...despite the fact that it took us 3 days to get a sparse amount of ornaments to hang on your pokey branches. It wasn't a high priority to get anything done too quickly; I had just completed my thesis and needed a break. Plus, no one was coming to our house this year, so the pressure was off. DH was in a hurry to get you up and neglected to drill a hole in your trunk. You drank water for a very short time. Perhaps the first week. Then you gave up. And this is why your needles have been raining down, making soft tinkling sounds as they scatter all over the floor.
So dear tree, I apologize for neglecting you this year and share with the blogging world before and after photos of you. I promise that next year we will take much better care of your friend.
Jax, DH, and the cats

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Goals

Wow, what a boring first post, huh? Gotta start somewhere. So blogging is one of the things I've really wanted to try, but seeing as school was my number one priority, I didn't want the addiction to get in the way (any more than reading other blogs did). So here I am, beginning one of my goals for 2009: starting a blog!